We are prototyping a just economy that is regenerative, redistributive and collective.


Unlearn Business Lab is just emerging. We are building a community for system change.

We invite you to join us. We welcome anybody who is keen to roll up their sleeves to build a new economy - from scientists and researchers to entrepreneurs, therapists to artists and everybody in between.

System Change

We want to give system change a home. A space where we can unlearn harmful mindsets and behaviour, connect with ourselves and each other and prototype radical alternatives for a just and regenerative economy.



A lab is a diverse group of practitioners and researchers (maybe just like you), who all have a vested interest, knowledge or experience in a particular area of business. We unlearn and experiment together, learn from and with each other – hands on prototyping for new economic approaches.



Everything that we do is open source. Here you will find the thoughts, discussions, ideas and outcomes that emerge as we build our community and our labs.



What began as a small initiative of social entrepreneurs and progressive businesses is growing into a diverse community of people and organisations who are working together to develop systemic solutions to the core challenges of our economy. We want to connect, explore, reflect and act on all our business processes and organisational structures, and share our findings with others. And we want you to be a part of it. 
